Re: Aureus Knights Housing Tour
Everyone is welcome at MoietyWorld 2929. Stop by and have a drink at the lopp party, drop a coin in the wishing well, enjoy a bite at the tier 4 festival or take a stroll through the elite garden. :D
It isn't all that much to look at yet to be honest, but I have some plans for a pretty epic jumping game challenge once I get the funds to decor it out.
Re: Aureus Knights Housing Tour
My place is kinda a dump....looks like I'm always having a yard sale, but I'm really not! But everyone is welcome to stop by the Bunny Ranch and grab some good outta the garden and farm relic nodes if they like. Just add me, same name here and in game.
Re: Aureus Knights Housing Tour
I'd love to have more neighbors if you'd like to come visit me! My name is Lila and I live in "Da Hood", but I've really made the best of it :) You can come dance at the drug induced Lopp Party or play around on my Box Garden. You're welcome to harvest my flowers or nodes but you won't get much from them since they'll go straight to my mail! Just know that I love plushies and bunnies and yes my bed does have a video camera so don't do anything weird when you visit...
Re: Aureus Knights Housing Tour
Ice Pond w/challenge
Shardspire canyon w/challenge
UFO abduction thing w/challenge
Eldan dungeon
Midway dungeon
festival tier 6
My house is the spaceship which I found to offer more floorspace than the 'big' house for 3plat once properly modified. It's pretty damn cool. Should check it out.
Working on building an outside structure but kind of burned out after my initial buildfest (and kept getting distracted by making gold and completing attunement). Someday I'll finish it!
Re: Aureus Knights Housing Tour
FABkit |
Notes |
Weather Control Station |
Relic Excavation Tier 4 |
- T3-5 relic/plasm
- 50/50 split
Garden Tier 4 |
- Plant/harvest whatever you want, my plant needs are minimal
- 50/50 split
Festival Tier 6 |
Moonshiner Cabin |
- Challenge
- Drops the Granok Four Poster Bed (easiest way to max comfort rest xp boost)
- Likely to be replaced at some point
Shardspire Canyon |
- Challenge
- Likely to be replaced at some point
Also I've tried to make my plot look a little bit nicer with all sorts of decor items, including constructing a guest cottage. The editor can be a bit tedious, lots of copy/pasting transforms & coords, but I've used worse.