Re: Rocking the Green and Gold - Don't forget our guild colours...
We have our first crack at Guild Colours: Colours in WildStar by RJO, on Flickr
At this point we are recommending:
Best (includes a dye required from a random box):
Brushy Glen (Green) / Sunrise (Gold)
Cheap option (requires no rare dye, can buy from dye merchant):
Zephyrite (Green) / Sunrise (Gold)
Re: Rocking the Green and Gold - Don't forget our guild colours...
I'm still a bit confused on the whole dye thing. Does it work like GW2? Where you dye the actual slot so any other piece of armor you put in it will remain that color? Or will I have to dye every piece I put on? The random box you speak of, is it a boombox or an in-game drop?
Re: Rocking the Green and Gold - Don't forget our guild colours...
Originally Posted by
I'm still a bit confused on the whole dye thing. Does it work like GW2? Where you dye the actual slot so any other piece of armor you put in it will remain that color? Or will I have to dye every piece I put on? The random box you speak of, is it a boombox or an in-game drop?
I believe you dye pieces of armour individually, not slots. With costumes it's not so bad. Dyes only need to be unlocked once though.
The boxes are dropped in the world and/or are bought with various currencies (renown, etc). We need to figure out which collection the recommended dye comes from.
For the record the recommended is the one you can see on the left in the screenshot above. You can see the green is richer.
Re: Rocking the Green and Gold - Don't forget our guild colours...
Awesome, can't wait to get all dyed up
Re: Rocking the Green and Gold - Don't forget our guild colours...
Ok. I will work on getting my costume dyed. Thanks RJ
Re: Rocking the Green and Gold - Don't forget our guild colours...
Gold and Green my two favorite colors! Unfortunately didn't get them yet from their respective chest drops.
Well, guess I won't have to go out and farm Thyad's challenges to get all those "tarnished tints"
I just gotta buy them... :l