OMG Justin!!!! HI!!!!! :D
nomnom rapeseed.
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OMG Justin!!!! HI!!!!! :D
nomnom rapeseed.
Btw Zen, I literally almost just changed my signature to that one......
Heh, I think I had the one you have right now earlier this week. I got the myth hat last night and wanted to try some different signatures with it to see how it looked. Pretty sure I'm just gonna disable it though as the pimp hat doesn't quite fit with my hair and face paint as much as I'd like.
PS thanks for going to CT with us last night, my new bard shirt is awesome and pretty. Can't wait for vanity stuff to come in.
That's only because you wiped off the cute dirt smudge from your cheek.
Did the dirt look better? I thought the under eye lines were more fabulous.
Best new music video ever!
Zen, we do this tonight?
I'm down if you guys are. Checked out that strat earlier. Doesn't sound too bad.
I definitely want to do Garuda again, and I want to do the Ultima dude. However, I am being dragged to this stupid movie tonight with little people and dragons so I won't be on until very late if I'm still awake. I have a feeling Victor will have to throw me over his shoulder and carry me back home since I'll be so sleepy by the time we get out :( At least I get a yummy unsalted soft pretzel from the theaters!
I want to knock out Ultima too. Last time I went in we did really well and almost had him down til some peeps had to leave.
Hopefully you'll enjoy the hobbit. There's a little love story in there for ya and the elf chick is definitely not a bottom of the pyramid girl.
Zen count me in for garuda or ultima tonight
I'll be home this evening after work and some errands. Probably not as late as Amber (jealous, I wanna see the hobbit!) but probably closer to 7ish CST.
Ditto for me, 7-8 Central. Got some stuff to do before I head out of town for the weekend. We'll see who all is on and fill in as needed.
might be there! id love to join
In Texas!! And I'm completely exhausted running on 1hr of sleep! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee
Wrangle a longhorn for me while you're over there.
What's new peeps! I miss the AK crew
We miss you too man. Brought in Aelya last night to sub in for ya. He did awesome... but it just wasn't the same without you calling Miana a whore and Tim chasing you with the rot.
ahahahaha. What dropped?
I miss you dirk and pretty much all of you guys!! It hasn't even been a day yet
Zen and I finally got loot!!!!
I know miana misses me terribly
<3 I've missed you Dirk! I'm sorry I cheated on you! I had to heal with someone else, I feel dirty. (Sorry Aelya I still love you but we have to keep it on the DL around Dirk)
Miana, I miss you! You should get on Mumble still and let me talk to your mom. You better tell her about how awesome I am and how in love we are. I can't keep holding in this secret, I don't want to hide anymore!
I definitely will Amber :) We will talk later and my mom will get on mumble!
On my way home!
Zen I am gonna have to do a raincheck on the primals real life things have come up
No prob man. Handle what ya gotta handle. I hope you met the man of your dreams.
Not sure if my signature works . . . better test it with a post!
It's just... lmao
How I feel trying to catch up on crafting content . . .
LOL, He's so floppy!
Happy New Year's Eve everyone!! What are everyone's plans tonight?
Happy new years to you as well. I'm not all sure yet what we're doing. We were supposed to go to the beach with 4 friends but it looks like it's just me and the wife now and she wasn't feeling too hot before I left for work, so we may end up just staying home and chillin.
How was your trip?
Going at friends, driving back at my parents place early in the morning.
Then my grandparents, all my aunt and unckes, cousins and every babies gather together for a couple of hours. Fun times. Then last night at my inlaws, and going back home(finally) on the 2nd, where ill be able to meow again!!
Day 1 (9:55 AM)
Have locked and barricaded office door.
Have coffee, snack bar and space heater.
Have no scheduled meetings today.
Same Day (9:57 AM)
Realize fatal flaw in plan: coffee machine is outside office.
Solution: Order personal coffee pot.
LOL, You should get one of those mini Keurigs for your office! Then you can have fresh single serve cups all day :)
MIANA!! I missed you! We're going out after work but then I plan on being back home to avoid all the crazy drunk drivers and I will be ringing in the new year hopefully on FFXIV! YAY me!
I'll probably be in crystal tower . . . Or mining . . .