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Speaking of being bored at work.
Adamant just fell asleep for 30min out of a 45min team meeting.
Pretty awesome stuff is happening today !!
What tricks did you play on him while he was out?
Did you draw a penis on his face?
I fess up. I often have to fight sleep past the 15 minute mark in any meeting. It sucks.
Don't feel too bad. Last year we had a "webinar" I slept about 30 minutes through until I started snoring.
Yah, some of those are pure genious!
giraffes are heartless!!
Dirk just ran us into a 8-man Treasure hunt and it was fun. Chimera popped out and he was all like "ROAR!" and I was like "Gasp!" and everyone else was all "Pew Pew Pew". I don't think I've flashed anyone that much ever... not even in the Chuck-E Cheese ball pit.
I'm gonna be pretty pissed if Dirk went treasure hunting with out me.
I'll treasure hunt with you Zen <3
Let's go find the booty!
This thread got too serious.
its boring. I think i'll be leaving.
You can't leave Kheo... aren't you going to treasure hunt with Miana and I?
Yeah sure I will...
You're trying to get me into the "all serious business" here.. nope.
I want my UNICORN! NOW!
I blew a huge bubble with my gum and it popped all over my face.
Awesome! How did you scrape it off?
btw, pics next time.. bubble gum flavored miana.. *drools*
With my tongue and then some wet paper towels. It was minty!
Mint gun is so nasty. I prefer juicy fruit or bazooka joe... for the cartoons.
Juicy fruit has like two seconds of flavor and then its gross.
Your face is nasty!
I think my face is kinda cute :(
So do I doll :)
<3 I miss you
Ditto. I had to do a roulette dungeon last night with 3 randoms. It was so horrible. Miana, Kheo, Lent, and Aelya all laughed at me while I cried in sadness.
All that while we got our selves sung to ourself by Siren!
That B!
Pharos Sirius is brutal. I felt like such a Mian.. i mean noob
hey hey hey! i was there Dirk!
Can totally say that the noobest person was Mian... errr.. Siren!
Siren was the noob! Miana was the boob!
Siren = White version of Miana's BBT!!
also : "Its me in the spot light, losing my relllllllllligion!"
Attachment 1277
So bored at work . .
LOL! Tim that is awesome.
I'm a boob noob, but a black one. Not like Siren..that whore.
Zen I will wipe your tears tonight when we play <3
DAMN YOU KHEO!! "oh noooo I've said toooo much"
Sadly, I dunno when I'll be on tonight. I have a dinner thing for work but I'm hoping to get out of it or it to be over as quickly as possible.
In other news, we need to start smacking down Garuda Extreme. I want that black Unicorn so bad.
I'd like to tackle it again. I still don't really know what to do on some of the fights. The dungeon is pretty rough on a healer; I can't imagine a lvl 55 geared new healer being able to run it
Yes we need to do this over and over until we all get it.
I bet its the toughest 4 man out of all dungeons right now
Also, with the new supercharged XP I can level my paladin through dungeons only and actually learn how to play the class
I missed all of you so much, I'm so lame :( I wanted to talk more on Monday but felt dumb since my connection was stupid and we didn't have the game to play. I'm totally psyched to play with the patch now, but after only 4 hours of sleep because of my stupid late flight I don't think I'll be on tonight. Have to work a full day then go home, eat dinner and SLEEP. I was actually stuck on the plane in NY near the runway for 1.5 hours before we could take flight. It was gross! Then when we finally took off it took 2.5 hours to get home. Only good thing was, no traffic since it was at 1:30am!! I'm totally down for Garuda and the black unicorn. I know we can own that "B".
I don't understand. What's a "B"? She's a primal... so would she be a "P" or did you mean to say "G" for Garuda.