You know, he has to sit on the toilet 6 times a day for 40 minutes.
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What I want added to 2.2 . . . then I'd actually level a Monk!
holy crap, 53 pages of posts lol.
Made this image in my likeness at
Attachment 1265
Someone just slammed one of the stall doors... How rude!
Lol g!!
Probably because you're stinking up the place so bad he had to close the door with one hand while covering his mouth with the other hand!
its stinking up this post... you should carry a can of Febreeze with you
I think he slammed the door so he could crave hateful words into the wall about a particular group of people who for the sake of this thread, we'll just call, "Swej". I heard him muttering, "Goddamn Swej".
damn Swej... I think I'll go mess with them by passing out free pork
Nobody wants your pork Arion.
amber sends lame messages
Favorite foods, go.
Alice Springs Chicken from Outback
WHAT! My messages rock everyone's world.
Dirk is mean to Miana #meany butt poophead
Favorite foods: Basic Four Cereal w/ unsweetened almond milk; pancakes -no butter and a little maple syrup (but not that gross full fat real crap); and Fig Newtons YUM!
My favorite food is an Amber sandwich with cheese, bacon fat, sausage and mayo. And fatty white bread topped with baco bits.
All about the protein yo
Miana also sends great messages, but she said when she sends one to Dirk he just replies with "GET THE OIL YOU WHORE".
That Amber sandwich sounds like something a bottom pyramid girl would eat.
LOLL no doubt
So, just heard on the news... Canada declares Santa to be one of her Citizen... with a postal code of H0H 0H0... in response to Russia declare sovereignty over North Pole...
How does our Canadians feel about that?
The postal code H0H 0H0 is not new, I sent letter to Santa when I was young
Favorite foods: sushi, apples, grapefruit, dark chocolate, pretty much everything else
Santa is real people. Even if he lives in Canada during the summer.
Zen I just bought cinnamon pretzel sticks from Auntie Anne's. If I eat them all I will be on the bottom of the pyramid with Amber.
Or you could come to the gym with me tonight to work em off while Amber sits on her bottom pyramid butt.
Now I'm sitting here eating my chicken salad and cool ranch doritos for lunch wishing I had cinnamon pretzels.
Zen, i just noticed your signature..
are there any for guys?!
Don't be jealous Kheo
I can't help that I'm fabulous
HAHAHA a sandwich of me would totally be bottom of the pyramid...but, I would taste (and look) awesome rubbed all over in bacon fat. Aelya, that wasn't a letter you sent to the Ho Ho Ho, it was herpes. Mmm Tim totally forgot about Sushi - you win.
You would also look great in chocolate pudding.
LOL it really is girly Zen..
I'd like to see her covered in sausage. I hear victor's is great.
Just because it's pink and a girl made it, doesn't mean it's girly. The sig doesn't make the man. The man makes the sig.
Since your lala is a girl I guess it fits.
Dear Amber,
<3 Timothy
LOL I love that commercial Tim
Lol Tim! Totes! Degru- so weird. I think Dirk dresses up like a clown and does bday parties on the weekends. He's all quiet and sweet then just starts yelling and cussing the kids out. :)
That guy in the red has too much teeth and if there was ever a thing I hated in men it would be too much teeth.