Where you is Amber?
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Where you is Amber?
Where are you amber grace?
Lol I was finishing up work for the week :(
Boo Mondays - back to work. At least we have a short week! Hope everyone's Monday is going better than mine! Forgot I have an interview to do this evening so I'll be here about an hour later than normal :*( Boo, but hopefully she's really good and I can hire her and keep growing my department!
Monday just means the weekend is coming again, so I guess there's good in that. What's everybody doing for Thanksgiving this week? Each part of my fam cooks different stuff and we all get together to eat and all that jazz. I'm cooking turkey again this year since it went pretty good last time. I used a recipe from Alton Brown on the Food Network website. I'm a fan of cooking shows and stuff. Not so much where they stand there and tell you how to cook things, but more of the competitions like Chopped, Iron Chef, and Restaurant Impossible. Lots of neat stuff to learn there though.
Ooo Victor did our turkey with Alton Brown's recipe last year. With the brine in the big bucket and such. I don't get to spend time with my family since they're so far away. We go to Victor's parents for dinner on Thanksgiving and I bring a dish to share. However, on Friday I'll be making our own Thanksgiving dinner for just him and me so we can have leftovers all week! It won't be super fancy, just Turkey, stuffing and potatoes but I LOVE turkey breast and will be happy to eat it all week! BTW - when Victor got up this morning he came out of our room and said... "big bl* t*" (Not sure how much I should type on here LOL)
Hahaha that's awesome. I'll have to high five him later or something for that one. Did you die laughing?
Yep, same thing I'm using again. It turned out really good. I'd like to try cooking like everything one year but since we always have alot of family around everyone pitches in(not a bad thing of course). That does sound like a cool idea making a dinner for just you guys the day after but I'm not a huge left over fan. Day after Thanksgiving I'll probably order a pizza or get a sub at Publix heh. Most food just doesn't taste good warmed up to me.
LOL - Mmmm I remember Publix subs. They were sooo good! Oh I miss Publix. The grocery stores up here are lame. Left-overs are the best part of Thanksgiving! You're so weird for not wanting them. Heat it up and smother everything in cranberry sauce :)
My family is spread out all over the East coast so I usually spend it with Lent's family. I make all the desserts and his dad does all the cooking since he is a chef anyway!
I agree with Amber..you are a total weirdo for not liking turkey leftovers. I'm not crazy about leftover food either but turkey breast sammiches...mmmmm!
If you weren't aware yet, I'm a weirdo.
I love my Publix. It's the best grocery store ever. The one near us is seriously the friendliest place ever. They're always asking if you need help and telling you ways to cook or try new stuff they have. I totally dig it and have to stop in at least once a week for one of their subs. I have their number programmed into my phone so I can call ahead and have it ready to pick up heh. You can't get fresher produce or seafood around here too.