Two Face you are becoming such a social butterfly!
Also hi my BAW friends!
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Two Face you are becoming such a social butterfly!
Also hi my BAW friends!
Wait - why can't I be a pink ranger? I like pink :(
Miana!!! How are those BBTs?
I don't know how to tell you this, Amber. Butttttttt....I turned into a midlander. I am now a part of the itty bitty titty committee :( However I am still black as ever! So SBT?
You can be a pink ranger Amber! JOIN USSSS
Can I be a purple ranger?
34 minutes into work. Bored. Entertain me.
Also Fake-Amber where were you and Fake-Victor all weekend?
What do you call Batman that leaves church?
Christian Bale!!!
E - Victor left for Maryland for a business trip on Sunday so we were spending Saturday together and making sure he was set to go. I logged on for a bit by myself on Sunday but got bored because my lame Esper dies too much. I'm used to pulling 10 mobs with him and dpsing down in seconds - while he takes no damage. Nerf warriors...
Amber, here is your 3 day late thank you.
Nikki, YOU'RE a butterfly.