And the one person no one ever wants to be? Pryzbylewski
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Prezbo could like... I don't know.. play Wizards 101? Lead a guild... of wizarding children?
you HAD to didnt you? ;)
heh awesome.
when ya gonna play some Wildstar with us Kheo?
Zen: Official recruiting officer for wildstar who specializes on stealing from inside the guild
Zen; the only selling points of that game to me are : 1) my most fav bro ever is playing it(thats you), 2) chubawhatevercritterraceitis, but you guys arent playing the good factoon, so until #2 happens, nope, not a chance.
On a random note, Adamant litterally cried of laughing that BOO-ts joke at work. It was AWESOME!
I'm merely enticing people to give the new game a shot.
Kheo, am I not a selling point to Wildstar? What about Victor? You should try it out, it's a lot of fun hearing about people stealing other people's flowers from their gardens. It's even more fun to go inside Degru's house and watch his bed!
I feel the need to get this thread going again. We have so many new Wildstar peeps that haven't even seen it! So, how is everyone's post Independence Day / Canada Day work week going?