Poor Miana.
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So it's snowing outside; really just a light dusting to be honest. This means that crazy people are on the road. I've been listening to reports come into dispatch for all the local accidents. I want lunch, but I hate my fellow man and trust no one. This annoys me...
For some people, an excuse to be bad is all they need to let it loose.
Just like my Bard, bad. Heh, it's ok. I wouldn't say I'm a super star but we're still clearing to Turn 4 in Coil and I've been able to handle Garuda XM pretty well. Just finally got my WM to 34 last night for Stone Skin. Probably will go ahead and kick my warrior up to 26 for Mercy Stroke since he's 22. Not sure if the ability is really worth it, but at least I have options.
Nonsense. Surviving Turn 3 on a weekly basis is my personal metric for tanking success. I'll need to drag out the monk and queue up with you for something random. I find Stoneskin to be very helpful, but never bothered with Mercy Stroke. Paladins need new cross class abilities.
Sounds like a good plan to me sir. We'll knock out some random mob dudes this weekend.
Agree on the abilities. They're all vaguely useful in certain situations but I guess that's just how it is.
If you aren't following this twitter regarding the olympics - you're missing out on what has become the awesomeness and debacle of the Sochi Olympics.
Heh, was reading the reporter tweets about horrible hotels and stuff last night. One woman said the clerk told her the water wasn't working but when it did kick on, not to use it, "it has stuff that will hurt you". She said she washed her face with Evian water... thus making her feel like she was a Kardashian haha.
Apparently the budget is 3 times what it normally is to due to corruption and misappropriation most likely.
It almost never snows here, but it's snowing today, so I'm watching the university's webcams to watch cars spin out. There's been one attempt at a snowman in the quad so far, but the snow is too dry to pack well.
Also, I'm totally with Miana on the beach woes.