we dream of electric sheeps.
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we dream of electric sheeps.
Coincidentally, I just sold a copy of that.
Useless Knowledge of the Day - I have the Garuda fight music stuck in my head. After spending almost 2 hours on Extreme Mode last night, that's no surprise. And yes, we did down her. :)
On a non-Final Fantasy related note, one of my coworkers, Jose, played a pretty good joke on me a little while ago. For those who don't know what I do, I work IT at a hospital. We handle computers, printers and all kinds of other devices. Anyway, we got a call from out Labor and Delivery department. Jose told me that the computer in their room 2 had gone down and we needed to look at it. Ok, no problem but he also said that there was a deliver going on in the room right now. Needless to say, I don't want to ever have to walk into the middle of a delivery like that. I said "Oh, hell no." more times than I can count. I get up there, ask the nurse and thankfully it was a keyboard that was unplugged at their nurse station, no one was in labor. When I got back to the office, he was laughing so hard I thought he was about to pass out lol. I've got to give him credit, that was very well played. Now I have to get him back.
As we are all probably diving into CT again this week looking for our epic loots, this made me laugh at work.
Yes, Winter Storm Amber making her way down to Florida. Oh well, at least my hotel room will be nice and hot since a sexy naked Miana will be there waiting for me....
I will be waiting for you and warming up the bed for when you are done with your work ; D
Since you're meeting Miana in FL and it's just kinda on the way, how about dropping Victor off in AL so I can show him what a real good time is like?