Aureus Knights Podcast - Episode 1 - Ballin' At PAX
After a few weeks of planning (thank you in particular to Ryath and Okaria who offered feedback on the format and the general idea of an AKS Podcast) and a lot of fun recording I am happy to present the first Aureus Knights Guild Podcast.
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Episode 1 - Ballin' At PAX show notes:
Welcome to Episode 1 of the Aureus Knights podcast, a new podcast built collaboratively by the community members of the Aureus Knights guild. Episode 1 is dedicated to covering PAX East. We had a few members who were lucky enough to attend the show and three of them join us on the weekly round table to share their experiences.
As this is the first episode of the podcast we get started by providing a bit of background on the guild and our mission with the podcast.
On The Show
Introduction to the Guild
Introduction to the Podcast
This week's MMO news: PAX MMO News Edition
- SW:TOR on the show floor
-- Introduction of the Taral V flashpoint
-- Multiplayer dialogue
-- Smuggler as a healer! WTF?
- Rift
-- No official presence at the show, but that didn't stop the information from flowing as Trion hosted a PAX East party!
-- Dungeon finder
-- Patch 1.1
-- Guild banks
-- Server queues, a successful launch, oh my…
- Turbine
-- New dungeon content for both DDO and LOTRO
-- LOTRO has an end game crisis I never knew about, but they are fixing it with a new raid coming Soon(™)
- League of Legends introduces the Fair and Balanced(™) Nocturne
- New Tribes? Don't mind if I do
This week's Guild News:
- Welcome Caledonia to the officer team
- Event Volunteers
-- Ryath and BigCedric have joined on as Event Volunteers
-- Event Volunteers is a new effort we are running to bring on volunteers to assist with running events for the guild
- Guild's progress in Rift
- Initial information on the guild's SW:TOR Chapter(S)
Round Table Discussion
- Experiences from the PAX East Floor With Ryath (Chris), Abaci (Adam) and Hengist (Luke)
- Indie Games on the floor
- SW:TOR blew Luke away (lot's of SW:TOR info and chat)
- Chris and Adam's experiences at the Trion Party and loose lipped developers (Dragons, expansions on the planes, oh my!)
- Firefall looks promising
- Swag recap
- And lots LOTS more
Thanks to Chris, Adam and Luke for being part of the first ever round table discussion!
I hope you enjoy the first episode of the Aureus Knights Podcast and will join us next week for Episode 2!
Re: Aureus Knights Podcast - Episode 1 - Ballin' At PAX
Feedback is greatly appreciated... this podcast was a bit long winded because of the introduction, etc so I apologize for that.
Next podcast we'll be talking about Rift and I'll be looking for some more podcasting victims for the round table!
Re: Aureus Knights Podcast - Episode 1 - Ballin' At PAX
I think it was awesome recording it. Really nice job, RJO.
Re: Aureus Knights Podcast - Episode 1 - Ballin' At PAX
Re: Aureus Knights Podcast - Episode 1 - Ballin' At PAX
That's me!
Also, RJO sounds like a talk radio host.
Re: Aureus Knights Podcast - Episode 1 - Ballin' At PAX
Awesome job RJO, looking forward to the next one. For a first podcast it sounded excellent. Listening to it almost made me want to get Rift, but with ToR coming out in the next year its difficult to justify making the jump from WoW to something temporary.
However, it did finally push me to register here, so good job with that.
Re: Aureus Knights Podcast - Episode 1 - Ballin' At PAX
Woohoo! In pretty quick time Apple approved us for the itunes store. You can now subscribe to the podcast in itunes: