My Aureus Knights friends,
Kendall Harness and Sydney Kahle were adorable, precious little girls whose lives were cut short several years ago by terrible tragedies. It is in their memory that the Efken family participates in the Extra Life campaign.
As the father of four amazing children and Assistant Principal here at a local Junior High school, I have made supporting children's charities and causes that affect children my life goal. As a participant in the Extra Life campaign, I'm on a mission to save kids and I hope you are willing to help. Children’s Hospital of St. Louis and SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital treat thousands of children each year, regardless of their family's ability to pay. These kids are facing frightening afflictions like cancer, cystic fibrosis, and injuries from accidents to name just a few.
On November 3 and 4, 2018, the Efken family will be participating in a huge worldwide celebration of the social impact of gamers of all kinds from video games to board games and tabletop RPG's. That day, my family along with thousands of my fellow video and board game enthusiasts will participate in a 24-hour gaming marathons all over the world for the purpose of raising money for the important cause of making the lives of children brighter. It's my sincere hope that you'll find it in your heart to support my efforts with a monthly pledge or one-time gift that will go directly to these two wonderful St. Louis hospitals. Your donation is tax-deductible and ALL PROCEEDS go to help kids.
I need your help to reach my goal of raising over $1000 for the children of St. Louis in the memory of Kendall Harness. Please make a safe, easy donation online today. Click the "DONATE" button on my page at the address below to get started. Thank you so much for supporting my efforts, and let's have some fun playing our favorite games for 24 straight hours on November 3rd and 4th in support of the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals in St. Louis!
Bob Efken/Xan
My Extra Life fundraising page: