Battle for Azeroth - Factions
Hey guys,
Since Cataclysm AKS has been playing Horde as a guild officially. We however have had members spread out over the years on both factions playing together. In Battle for Azeroth, the upcoming expansion, WoW returns to faction conflict and I'm curious if this is a good time to reflect on what faction we want to have as our preferred faction. As a result I want to run a poll and feel out what you guys want to do together in the expansion faction wise.
Comments are open - feel free to share your WoW expansion plans!
Re: Battle for Azeroth - Factions
It's important to note that Chux's guild will be going alliance this expansion. They have historically been a fallback for people who want to play the game more seriously and get in to more serious raiding. That is a vote in favour for sure to move over.
Re: Battle for Azeroth - Factions
Re: Battle for Azeroth - Factions
Originally Posted by
Sylvanas did 9/11
Re: Battle for Azeroth - Factions
Every single story arc was Ally this expansion. I don't think they'll change it much on BFA, they'll probably make Sylvanas a villain and we'll raid her kitchen. I played Horde for a while but everything just felt so disconnected, idk it was weird.
Re: Battle for Azeroth - Factions
Regardless of what faction we end up, I'm leaving this here for people that need new 110 toons. No point wasting time or money.
Re: Battle for Azeroth - Factions
I'm horde on all but one of my 110s, but I'm on a different server anyway, so I'd just want to move a single character over if I join the crew. I'm not exactly hardcore, either.