Destiny 2 Check-In
The Destiny sequel is coming soon. Upcoming dates:
- August 28 - PC Beta Begins
- August 29~31 - PC Open Beta
- September 6 - Console Launch
- October 24 - PC Launch
Cross play will not be available between any of the three available platforms (PS4, Xbox, PC). So choose wisely, or plan on leveling several alts.
If you're going to be picking up this game, toss a reply with your platform and gamertag. I'll put together a summary list up top here.
We now have a clan going with Bungie. Currently it seems that clans are going to be cross-platform, so we can all share in progress. Apply here: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=201211
Nimhloth (Nimhloth#1494)
RJO (RJO#1486)
Ade (Ade#11178)
reddragn87 (Artty#11442)
Crunchy (Baggathor#1248)
Zro (Zro#11706)
E'hosmer (Ehosmer#1858)
Fergu (Fergu#1552)
Kowh (Kowh#1563)
Shivo (Primetimme#1740)
Miana (saltyslug#1877)
Trobby (Trobby#11759)
Lenex (Lenex#1862)
Abaci (@moyaks)
Jibbler (@JibblesAndBits)
Said (@Saiix_PRIME)
Zro [maybe]
Re: Destiny 2 Check-In
I'll be on PS4 - I'm moyaks on PSN
Re: Destiny 2 Check-In
I will be on PC. (Bnet: Nimhloth#1494)
Re: Destiny 2 Check-In
Re: Destiny 2 Check-In
PC (Ade#11178) and XBOX ONE X
Re: Destiny 2 Check-In
I will be on PC
Artty#11442 on BNet
Re: Destiny 2 Check-In
I'm on PC, Baggathor#1248
I'll further add that I may not dive into the beta and just wait for release, even though i've preordered it. But we'll see.
I also may be going Hunter as a primary, last time I primaried as Warlock.
Re: Destiny 2 Check-In
Zro#11706 Battlenet
could be convinced to buy ps4 copy till pc launch because I love buying games and not playing them.
Re: Destiny 2 Check-In
Re: Destiny 2 Check-In