Aureus Gaming Casual Corner - *Town of Salem* Saturday 7/30 @ 9pm EDT
This Saturday for the Casual Corner, we're headed back to Town of Salem!
If you're wondering what Town of Salem is, you can check out the official page at and watch two basic demos I recorded below.
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The game is free to play in your browser at, or you can purchase an app version from Steam at
If you're really confused as to what the heck it is, feel free to ask questions below and we'll answer them as best as we can. You can also peruse the Wiki at
If you are interested in playing, either plan on using your browser or having the game installed on Steam prior to the start time. When you are in the game, shoot a friend invite to StugeGG. When we go to play on Saturday, I'll invite from my friends list. The first game we'll probably openly walk through some things, so newer folks can get a grasp of some mechanics.
As always, you'll be able to watch the livestream at or check it out after the fact at
Re: Aureus Gaming Casual Corner - *Town of Salem* Saturday 7/30 @ 9pm EDT
I know a number of folks that were interested in the game didn't get a chance to play when we did Town of Salem before.
Now is your chance to see what the game is like and give it a try for free!
Re: Aureus Gaming Casual Corner - *Town of Salem* Saturday 7/30 @ 9pm EDT
I might be a bit late, but I will be there.
Re: Aureus Gaming Casual Corner - *Town of Salem* Saturday 7/30 @ 9pm EDT
Here's some of the videos! I decided not to upload the first game, since it took almost 30 minutes and ended in a draw.
Game 2
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Game 3
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Game 4
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