Anyone else get terrible voice lag in Discord?
I seem to get terrible voice lag in Discord most nights. The connection to the discord server will go into the red frequently but my internet connection will be fine with consistent low pings and zero packet loss to Google's DNS servers for example.
I can immediately hop over to a mumble server and it's crystal clear without a single hiccup.
Going to attempt to give Discord server bound traffic highest priority in my router and see if that makes any difference. I play on a pretty low bandwidth (3down/3up) 4GLTE connection.
Any thoughts?
Re: Anyone else get terrible voice lag in Discord?
I don't get any lag, personally.
You might check the #help channel in Discord. Maybe someone can steer you in the right direction there?
Re: Anyone else get terrible voice lag in Discord?
I do get the occasional voice disconnect on discord, I always assumed it was my crappy NZ internet derping out to be honest. I'm not really sure if I can offer any solution further than what you've already tried though, sorry :(
Let me know if you have any luck maybe i'll try the same thing on my end.
Re: Anyone else get terrible voice lag in Discord?
Whereabouts are you located, Glaiver? Your distance from the server may be impacting it as well.