Aureus Gaming Casual Corner - *Overwatch* Saturday 6/25 @ 9pm EDT
Our next official event for the Aureus Gaming Casual Corner will take place on Saturday 6/25 @ 9pm EDT, and we'll be playing Overwatch again!
Like the previous Overwatch events, we'll pretty much just be inviting everyone that's on and going from there. If we can get up to 12 people, we'll do a full custom 6v6 game! If you're interested in participating, make sure you have me added to your friends list, Bigcedric#1240.
If you just want to check out Overwatch or see some community members have some fun, you'll be able to watch the livestream at or check it out after the fact at
Re: Aureus Gaming Casual Corner - *Overwatch* Saturday 6/25 @ 9pm EDT
Re: Aureus Gaming Casual Corner - *Overwatch* Saturday 6/25 @ 9pm EDT
Thank to everyone that came out on Saturday. It was a ton of fun again!
I'm starting to think that Overwatch is cursed for me, though. This time the video works fine, my game audio works fine, my mic audio works fine, but my Discord audio didn't record at all. In my tests just before starting the official stream, I was having no issues, and I'm having no issues when I test it now.
That being said, if anyone still wants to see some of the gameplay from Saturday night, with me talking to myself, I'll cut it up into some shorter videos and put them on our YouTube channel. Just post here if you'd still like to see it.
You can see the entire Twitch replay at
We'll most likely do an Overwatch night again in a couple weeks and see if I can get both the audio and video working at the same time. :)