Have You Seen Our Extra Life Forum?
I know it's easy to miss up there at the top of the forums, but it's really worth checking out! In case you don't want to navigate there on your own, I've even provided a link! Check out the details regarding our upcoming weekend event, where we actually have a conference room reserved at a Columbus, OH hotel!
Here's a snippet from one of the important posts from RJO up there, with corrections to use proper English.
Alright folks. It's September. We are all back to school, back to work and most importantly back to gaming. The Fall brings what has become my favorite guild happening of the year - Extra Life.
Last year we raised a mind blowing $3,205 for children's charities around the world and this year I think we can crush that. Our little community here is more active than ever and there's no reason we can't knock it out of the park. So how can you contribute? There's so many ways, and not all of them involve giving money. There's very simple things you can do to contribute!
This is all about raising money for children's hospitals above ALL things! Help make a difference in the life of children by donating to any member of our team. Visit our team page select one of our charming team members and give generously
Become a fundraiser!
You can join our team! Whether you plan on doing the 24 hour gaming marathon with us or just want to utilize your social network to help raise funds for this amazing cause WE WANT YOU! Join our team by visiting this page.
Once you've joined our team spread the word and start raising funds!
Don't forget, you can contribute to your own pool and get your fundraising off to a killer start! I personally am going to be setting up a recurring donation on my middle-of-the-month pay check for the rest of the year. I usually use some cash off that pay check to buy stupid pixel crack (I own every WoW sparkle pony, I have no shame) but for the rest of the year I'll be diverting some of those funds to my charity efforts. I'll cut down on my sparkle pony habit for the children!
Tell your friends!
Whether you are registered or not as a team member you can help us reach your friends and family. Our team page has some great social buttons (down in the lower right corner) or you can email/talk face to face/telephone/or any other means to get the word out.
The responses we get to raising awareness for our fundraising efforts are almost always positive with our friends and family. This is a great cause and is worthy of a facebook post or two!
Game with us on the weekend of October 25th
On October 25th we'll be doing our 24 hour gaming marathon to raise funds. Stay tuned to this forum for the plan, we'll be rolling out details soon.