About Me
Sup, I'm Bigcedric. Real name is Geoff, which you may hear me called occasionally, but I'll respond to anything "Cedric" or "Ced" related. Bigcedric came about through getting Cedric as a randomed name and needing to add something when that was already taken in a game. My avatar was large, so it became Bigcedric and it stuck.
I'm 29 and live in NE Ohio. I graduated from The Ohio State University with a degree in Communications Technology. I don't actually use that degree at all in my work. I am a Project Manager that just travels all over the country evaluating/surveying/supervising various projects for various retail companies. This is why you may not see me around too much during the week. Generally I'll fly or drive out somewhere Monday morning and not return until Friday evening. I'm travelling roughly 45 weeks out of the year.
Outside of work I'm big into various movies, TV shows, and anime. Also a big basketball fan.
Generally I'm a pretty nice guy that enjoys being occasionally arrogant to poke fun at people. I'll always try to help people out as they need it.
Me and Gaming
I started out gaming at a fairly early age with the original Sega. I progressed over the years as I suspect most people here will have. One interesting note is that I never owned anything from Nintendo besides portable devices/systems.
My MMO experience started very briefly in Anarchy Online, but my real experience started in Dark Age of Camelot. Since then I've played a laundry list of MMOs.
City of Heroes
Star Wars Galaxies
World of Warcraft
Warhammer Online
FFXIV 1.0 and ARR
The Old Republic
Probably some I can't remember.
I generally like to take things pretty casually, but like to progress throughout the endgame as well. While it's fun to clear everything, I don't see the point in creating stress to do it.
Besides MMOs, I play the occasional shooter, RPG, MOBA, or pretty much anything at all.
Me and the Guild
Since I started playing MMOs, I've only ever really belonged to two communities. When I played DAoC, I joined up with a guild there that I stayed with in some form until FFXIV 1.0 was on the way. None of my friends there were interested in the game and that was when I came to AKS. Though FFXIV 1.0 didn't turn out how a lot of us wanted it to, I was really happy to have made some more friends to play games with.
When AKS got ready for RIFT, I was given an opportunity to be an Event Volunteer. Unfortunately that game didn't quite work out either and we quickly moved on. For The Old Republic I got brought on as a Chapter Officer and really enjoyed helping make our Republic chapter a lot of fun for the time we spent in that game. After TOR I was invited to join the Community Leadership Team and helped with the Guild Wars 2 and FFXIV ARR chapters. AKS is very important to me and I'll do whatever I can to keep it a great community.
As one of the Chapter Sponsors for WildStar, I’m very excited to experience all the different aspects of the game while also getting to know a lot of new faces. If you ever need anything, feel free to give me a shout!