Remember to Group Up! (Influence Tracking)
Reminder to Group Up
In WildStar guilds level using an Influence system. You only gain influence if the members of your guild are grouped together. The reason I wanted to post this reminder is WildStar makes it very easy to play together, even outside of groups. Loot, XP, etc is all completely shared, even if you are not grouped. So there’s a temptation to just run around together ungrouped, so make sure when you are playing with one and other you group up!
Guild influence and achievements are on the line!
Influence Tracker
Current Goal: Guild Experience Enhancer
Upcoming Goals: Guild Gold Enhancer
Current Tier 6 (max)
Re: Remember to Group Up! (Influence Tracking)
This is probably going to be a dumb question, but here goes: While grouped for influence, does distance apart matter? Could I be on one map and my guildie be on another and still get influence because we're grouped? Or are we not able to group while on different maps?
Re: Remember to Group Up! (Influence Tracking)
It is safe to assume there are contribution and area restrictions on gaining influence. Just like you wouldn't get experience from a group if you aren't with them, the guild also wouldn't gain influence.
Re: Remember to Group Up! (Influence Tracking)
Ok cool. Thanks Ced. Makes sense.
Re: Remember to Group Up! (Influence Tracking)
I know this is probably in a thread somewhere, but what are the IG names of officers with invite privileges when game goes live? (RJO = Taas?). Just want to get in and grouped ASAP.
Re: Remember to Group Up! (Influence Tracking)
That list will be posted on Saturday morning.
Re: Remember to Group Up! (Influence Tracking)
Original post is updated with the current status. We have unlocked the top tier, and will have Influence, Renown, and Reputation buffs running 24/7. We are working on unlocking the Experience buff and will also unlock the Gold buff once we have the requisite achievement. From there we will look at possibly expanding the bank, unlocking more flasks, and considering the Prestige buff.
Re: Remember to Group Up! (Influence Tracking)
You guys are doing a fantastic job managing our guild resources. Kudos!
I'm willing to group with any guildies pretty much anytime. I find the open world content a lot more fun that way!