Aureus Knights is Recruiting for WildStar!
WildStar player? Looking for a guild? Take a seat, I’ve got something you’ll want to hear...
Welcome to the Aureus Knights community site, you’ve made it this far, I hope you’ll take a few minutes to learn about the guild!
Aureus Knights is currently recruiting for WildStar. We will be playing on a PvE server (announcement of our server will be coming out around 48 hours after Carbine announces a final server list - it’s not optimal but Carbine is holding out on us) and while we have members from all over the globe (no really, we do) we typically plan our events around the EST time zone.
So who are the Aureus Knights?
We are a multi game community that focuses our attention on MMOs. When we created this guild we were frustrated with guild drama, having to find a new group of friends from game to game and all those other hassles that get in the way of just-playing-the-games-we-love. The guild was founded by an officer team with diverse backgrounds ranging from gamers who got their online gaming start in BBS doors to Ultima Online vets to raiding pros of the World of Warcraft heydays. We’ve taken everything we’ve learned over the years and in 2006 we founded this community to create the type of community we’d want to spend the rest of our MMO-gaming lives in.
We are a guild composed primarily of mature adults with jobs, significant others, families, etc. We don’t have the time we used to to dedicate to these games but we come from a place where we want to see as much content as possible. We think that these games are made to be fun and that’s what we focus on. We take running the guild seriously because we believe if the guild is run well and provides the best platform it can our members will have the maximum amount of fun they can in a game. We orient everything we do to stripping away the BS and just having fun.
Aureus Knights is the last gaming community you’ll ever need to join for MMOs. Our fun-focused and drama-free approach is just what you’re looking for.
What about WildStar? What are our plans?
We have around 80 members and recruits at the moment fired up and ready to go. As I said earlier we’ll be playing on a PvE server and will be offering a premier guild experience.
We will be running as many events as we can drum up in WildStar. It is a game that offers a diverse range of content and we have an awesome officer team committed to hosting as many events as people show an interest in. These events will include things like dungeon and battleground nights, though there isn’t a facet of content we won’t touch. Where we take it a step further, where we really become a different type of community, is weaving in social events on top of the content oriented events. WildStar’s design, with systems like housing, offers us a wide array of events where we can just get together as a group of friends and have a blast outside of grinding away at dungeons and levels. We make sure we give the content the attention it deserves, but at the same time we make sure to occasionally stop and smell the roses.
In terms of organized play we will be running multiple groups of 20 and 40 man raids. Our experienced Raid team is working on putting together a raid sub-charter for WildStar. The subcharter will clearly lay out details of how we plan to run our raids including loot, scheduling, sign up information and more. We are taking a centralized approach to raiding in WildStar (meaning there will be a strong leadership presence backed by the officer team). We will be well organized so that we can maximize our fun when raid night rolls along.
We will also be fielding Warplots and Arena teams, each with dedicated resources to make sure if you want to do that content we’ll be sure to support it.
I hope this introduction to the guild was useful and that you find what we have to offer appealing. Please feel free to post any questions you might have in this thread.
So what are the next steps?
Register here on our forums. Registration on the forums is not mandatory but strongly encouraged.
Post an introduction. It’s not required by any means but this is a community, the more you put in to it, the more you’ll get.
Make yourself at home. Once you’ve been invited in game you’ll start a two week trial and be on your way to Knighthood. What do we look for during that trial? We are only looking to make sure you are a fit within the community. We value the culture within the guild and one bad apple could upset the whole thing. As long as you act like a decent human being and participate you’ll have no problem whatsoever fitting in and making it past your trial. You’ll never find an easier application process for a guild!
Welcome to the Aureus Knights,
On behalf of the entire officer team I hope you’ve found the last guild you’ll ever need to join,
RJO / Ryan