Published on 08-18-2013 12:35 AM
I just want to open this after action report and say that I'm really sorry to the folks with the 3012 error who could not attend. You were all missed and we look forward to doing another social event like this one in Uldah come launch so you all can partake. And so we can have more naked people.
With over 130 recruits going in to the servers coming up we had high expectations for just how awesome this weekend was going to be and we were not disappointed. This weekend was a serious high water mark in the guild's history. We had strong activity in mumble (70 people at 5am, I never thought I'd say the day - and we've had some busy early mornings with launches in the past), in our two linkshells (yes, we filled two linkshells) and in Eorzea playing the game.
People were exploring a new world together, people