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Mage Souls, Part Une

Rating: 3 votes, 3.67 average.
I'm going to be putting together a series of blog posts detailing the different Mage souls and what they do, with suggested pairings. The disclaimer on this is that I'm not going to post anything until I've given the soul a good try, so it will be some time before I get through them all.

Today, Chloromancer and Pyromancer!

This is a soul every mage should know how to play and have as one of their specs. It can main heal instances and, once you get 21 points in, can do so with endless mana. It can be a powerful 1-2v1-2 fighter in PvP, but my experience is that it doesn't perform very well in 5+v5+ PvP fights unless another healer is around. Because targets change so fast, your contribution will be group healing rather than holding up against focus fire, especially if you're the target.

Chloromancer is all about damage-to-healing conversion. With Lifegiving Veil you'll want to cast nothing but life spells. Since life spells only exist in the Chloro tree, most specs should go deep into the tree and simply use the other two souls to add some utility. Most often you'll be casting Vile Spores, keeping Withering Vine and Radiant Spores up on the mob. Ruin should be cast when the cooldown is ready. Of course Synthesis stays on your main tank for the passive bonus as well as to use Nature's Touch if you need a little boost in healing on the tank. You will end up with an instant single target heal and group heal on a fairly short cooldown, these should be reserved for times when a couple resists slow your healing output or for tossing heals on other group members who aren't being served by your splash heals. Same goes for your OH ISH heal. As for the rest of your spells (as I will say with any spec), use them a little just to avoid boredom.

As I've said, Chloro specs will do best casting mostly Chloro spells. When healing, going into Warlock for Opportunity is a big win. Warlock is also not a bad pairing for smaller-scale PvP since it gives you a few extra life drains to help keep you alive. Elementalist makes a good second soul, particularly because you cannot put Synthesis on yourself.

Other notes:
  • This soul solos alright, and can be useful when taking on a much stronger mob that you can't simply burn down. It also has no downtime after the teens. I believe Warlock is the better chain-pulling solo spec, however. I will comment on that in a future post.
  • Target-of-target is a must for this spec. You should always use it whether you are heals or dps, but being able to target a mob and what it is hitting, or vice versa, is enormously useful.

If you want big numbers, this is your soul. This is a strong PvP soul, both 1v1 and in group fights, although you'll want some healing with you if your opponents know how to focus. This soul can DPS in dungeon groups, although the focus on big numbers makes me suspect it is not designed to be as high in sustained DPS as other souls.

Pyromancer is great fun to play, especially in PvP, because it is all about fast casts, instants and reactives (and did I mention big crits?). This keeps you moving and still doing damage which is crucial in an open-field fight. This does contradict your Ground of Power spell, although you will find use for it if you can stay out of harms way or are in PvE. Keep Fireball and Flame Bolt as your primary spells (especially once you get Wildfire) and make sure you keep Countdown running. I don't recommend casting Cinder Burst outright, it is boring and you will certainly be interrupted in PvP before you finish. Be sure, however, to hit it when Pyromancer's Armor procs- you get about 6 seconds before you lose the chance to cast it instantly. Inferno plus Flame Bolt can help you pull out a kill before your opponent or their healer has time to react. Heat Wave is absolutely amazing, pop it and chain Fireballs until one of your instant reactives procs, hit those and then go back to Fireballs. Combine this with Internalize Charge and you're likely to pull out 1-2 fast kills, even against a healer. You get a root, an interesting stun, an AoE stun and snare and a disarm to keep enemies off you as well as a teleport which breaks CC. All are crucial in PvP fights. Keep them at hand.

Pyromancer reactives proc off fire spells and many of the passive and actives specifically boost Fire damage. Elementalist pairs well because of this, giving you a few extra fire spells and Revitalize. You also get a pet to annoy people or tank for you in PvE. Grab it as your second soul and ignore every spell from it that isn't fire or utility.

Other notes:
  • I haven't tried Ground of Strength yet, but I suspect it will change the way Pyro is played after getting it, especially in open-field fights. As soon as I hit 44 and try it, I will update.
  • Fire Armor is a better choice when AoEing. It may always be a better call for any PvE fights, but given the 10% chance on Pyromancer's Armor, it might take more theorycrafting math than I'm willing to bother with to prove one way or the other. I stick with Pyromancer's Armor because more reactives is more fun!
  • If you save your charge for the mana regen from Elementalist and Smoldering Power, mana is not a problem in PvE. Depending on how fast you kill (and it is fast) and if you have Fire Shield, you can pretty much chain pull with the occasional need to regen health.
  • Internalize Charge burns through charge extremely fast, don't use it unless you're also using Heat Wave or you're casting 3-4 instants in a row. Chloromancer (and maybe other souls) get a similar spell that has less of an effect but for longer. Unfortunately if you're going 44/21 Pyro/Ele like me, you won't have the points to get it.
  • Archon also has some Fire spells and can boost Fire damage. If you aren't going to spec far enough into Elementalist for the improved pet, this is a good alternative. I haven't personally tried this yet, expect more commend on this soon.

Edit: Added note about Archon and Fire spells.

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Updated 03-22-2011 at 08:47 PM by Abaci

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  1. Ryath's Avatar
    Very good write-up, Abaci. I played a Mage during Beta, and am finally getting to one on release. Thanks for the info.
  2. Kiylie's Avatar
    I am currently playing a Mage as my main alt. Her main spec is Chloro/Warlock (warlock has amazing neutral buff talents to increase your damage which also increases your healing), and her second spec is Pyro/Archon. The extra fire dot from Archon is really nice for helping to trigger that Pyromancer's Armor, and there's a few other goodies in there as well such as mana returns on crits, etc. I haven't gotten to experiment too much with it so far but it looks pretty good for PvP. My only issue is that I run out of mana faster than a cleric being mana wrenched by a dom!
  3. Abaci's Avatar
    I'll give the Archon a shot. Additional buffs might be nice in PvE. I suspect Elementalist is the winner in PvP.
  4. Kiylie's Avatar
    Yeah Archon would be amazing but you would either need to be just doing PvE or have an organized group. From what I've read you will want to go a full 51 pts into Pyro for PvP for that last ground spell.
  5. Abaci's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiylie
    Yeah Archon would be amazing but you would either need to be just doing PvE or have an organized group. From what I've read you will want to go a full 51 pts into Pyro for PvP for that last ground spell.
    It's only 44 pts (thankfully!), but I agree that's the way to go. I could see an argument to go something like 35/31 Ele/Pyro if you just want to be epic glass cannon, but I suspect once your opponents figure out your game you'll lose the damage advantage by being dead too often.
  6. Kiylie's Avatar
    Heh, yeah I've found in warfronts that once the opposing team figures out who is healing and who does the most damage, it's over unless your team is very good. I end up in WFs mostly as Chloromancer due to the lack of healers and you can always tell when the lightbulb has turned on over there... about halfway through the match I'll be occupied taking dirt naps every 40 seconds.

    Edit: Oh and from what I understand the reason for 51 pts was for Fulminate... I hear it hits like a truck full of cinderblocks.
  7. Abaci's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiylie
    Edit: Oh and from what I understand the reason for 51 pts was for Fulminate... I hear it hits like a truck full of cinderblocks.
    Hmm. I kind of dismissed it because of the 45 second cooldown and that it isn't that much more damage than top rank Cinder Burst, which I consider to be instant and on a shorter cooldown than that. I suppose the tooltip numbers don't account for all the percent increases Pyro has. Also I can see that two giant hits in a row would be great fun. I'll give it a whirl once I get up there, but I'll lament the loss of the greater elementals for sure.

    [I also like my 44 spec because I only have to spend 1 point on an ability I don't especially care about, whereas past that it's all junk except for Fulminate (Improved Smoldering Power, Improved Grounding).]
  8. Kiylie's Avatar
    I think the kicker in favor of Fulminate is that, unlike Cinder Burst, you don't need to rely on a proc to use it. And definitely, using a procced CB right before a fulminate is going to do very bad things to people.
  9. Kain's Avatar
    One note on Chloro is that pairing Necro for the pet and synth is much more effective (covering more bases) than Ele. Ele pairs well, but doesn't cover as wide of a play style spectrum. There is less hassle (in most ways anyway) and more gain with Necro. Spot on with Warlock pairing and nice additional detail from Kiylie about that too. 5% of non-life damage is healed on Lifegiving Veil too, so if you can land several dots, it's a decent chunk of healing help.
    Updated 03-23-2011 at 07:33 PM by Kain
  10. Abaci's Avatar
    I'll admit I didn't do Chloro/Necro pairing just because I didn't want a dead guy running around with me. Also it felt wrong- nature and death? I will try it though to evaluate.
  11. Kiylie's Avatar
    Well it also takes a lot more points to get to the first tank pet in Necro whereas Ele starts off with a tank pet. I think the necro pairing was more for PvE grinding and leveling - I've heard they are AoE grind powerhouses but I have yet to actually try it out.
  12. Kain's Avatar
    Yes AOE and Survivability are a very big plus. The lower level pet is not too much of an issue. Necro has plenty of pet and self healing. Granted a little more juggling fights around as you adjust. Elemental pet starts strong, but the survivability of the class pales in comparison if you're trying to pair a pet class with Chloro (especially soloing). Yeah check it out and let us know feedback! That's the good part about an ongoing blog on mages! ty again for doing it.
    Updated 03-24-2011 at 10:13 AM by Kain
  13. Kiylie's Avatar
    I recently picked up my 3rd role to try out a Dom spec for pvp and I hate it (it plays way too differently for me to figure it out), so I will set up some kind of chloro lock necro spec for that role and see how it goes.
  14. Kain's Avatar
    Yes, I do not use Dom, not enough time to manage all of that if you're healing. Maybe sometimes with dpsing (running away from a 1 on 1 fight or something) I will say I went pretty high in the Dom tree the other day as a 2nd role with Chloro and it just wasn't dynamic enough, the spell interupts were about the best benefit and they operate in a funky way.

    Best PVP spec I found for healing is Chloro/Lock (instant cast proc on nature touch is too good to pass up among other things), the 3rd role I sometimes use a pet to distract, archmage for a CC break or an Archon for some extra HP and as a extra dot. No more than 5 points if that.

    Best dps spec I've found varies greatly. If it's all about not being seen and aoeing the crap out of everything, later level Pyro does that best for me, and when you have to single target dps you can still rip it up. Stormcaller is a great lower level aoe spec, using really only a couple of spells. The rest of the class is way too muddled together to choose over pyro higher up if you want to focus on killing in PVP. If it's about survival once seen...Necro/Lock is a great all arounder due to heals, dots, pet distraction and FD/fear with lots of aoes as well.
    Updated 03-24-2011 at 10:50 AM by Kain
  15. Kiylie's Avatar
    Yeah the Dom spec I tried in PvP was full Dom. I was only level 21 and in a Codex *cry* and I just felt horribly ineffective. I think at higher levels it would be extremely powerful with all of its CC and debuffs, but it takes a good group to back you up. With the way current PvP goes (every man for himself), the spec just isn't very viable. From what I have read on the forums, however, they are a healers worst nightmare (mana wrench anyone?).

    What has everyone found to be the best PvE dps spec? I see a lot of Pyromancers in my pugs (IF we manage to get a mage). From what I understand, though, the pet classes of all callings offer some of the highest dps if you can manage a pet (which I hate but have been doing on my warrior).
  16. Kain's Avatar
    Pyro although very mana heavy just cant be beat dps wise because it's great at aoe and single target. In my opinion, Stormcaller is right on par with the AOE part (if not better), the class needs work on single target and some of it's abilities shored up all around to make more sense. Necro/Lock can spam a ton of AOE, but it doesn't hit as hard, you want to land your dots, and it takes longer to dps single targets. Also, ike you said, managing the pet, having it attack, switching the pet for aoe fights compared to single, etc.

    I have an all out pyro spec, and a necro/lock spec, because there are boss fights where survival and extra healing is far superior to "some" extra dps and hoping I live. Pyro is a very burst oriented and stay where you are type of dps, Necro/Lock allows way more dps to happen when you have to move or adjust, it can have bursty moments and all the while you can spam heal the tank, yourself, a pet or even group member. The bottom line for my choice on PVE (non solo, cause necro/lock solo is a no brainer) is based on can I get away with low stress? Pyro... if not, necro/lock, I think they are on equal footing in that way.

    I want to see others opinions on specs for PVE soloing and instancing, DPS wise though!
    Updated 03-24-2011 at 11:48 AM by Kain
  17. Pops's Avatar
    Great mage discussion! I'll weigh in when I have a little more time.
  18. Kiylie's Avatar
    So I started a new spec with my mage... main stormcaller with some filler in elemental, and it's just silly. You have a ton of knockbacks and roots (if specced into them) and massive amounts of AoE. This spec in Black Garden is ridiculous. And, as an added plus, you can solo with it for questing at least until level 30 or so when your pet stops leveling.