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SW:ToR Tanking and the Assassin

What makes a good tank?

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I've encountered this question a lot, and what seems like an easy answer is actually a complicated series of concepts. I will list everything, in no particular order, that I believe makes a good tank. To some this may be common knowledge, but to an aspiring first-time tank it might be enlightening.

1. Gear - a good tank always needs to stay on top of their gear. Unlike dps (or to a lesser extent healers), a tank can't just slide by with mediocre gear. Our entire usefulness is defined by our ability to mitigate damage, and if you are hanging onto outdated items chances are the stats are far below what you should have. This only hurts your ability to tank and makes you take more damage than you might have with better gear.

2. Abilities - always read and understand what all of your abilities do. Don't gloss over something just because the first part of the description didn't seem to relate to tanking. I've noticed a lot of abilities that have secondary benefits such as short-term buffs or debuffs. This is particularly true when it comes to talents. The MOST important thing from this section, though, is to know what cooldowns you possess and when you should use them. This will be a learning process for sure and don't be afraid to experiment.

3. Talents - obviously as a tank you will want to primarily spec within your class's tank tree, but if you haven't noticed yet they tend to litter the tree with secondary dps- or pvp-related talents that may or may not prove useful. Knowing and understanding how these talents effect your abilities is extremely important. Some talents may seem like a "big deal" until you put them into context. A good example of this are the following: 3% increased endurance and 2% decreased damage taken. I call these icing talents. After the bulk of your points are invested into the important talents you will want to take these to give you that slight boost - the icing on the cake so to speak. Always skip the dps-related talents until you've gotten everything tank-related.

4. Situational Awareness - as a tank it's your job to control the fight and to keep your groupmates safe. You need to be able to keep one eye on the mobs and one eye on your party at all times. An easy way to help this is to set your zoom level to a much farther distance - being able to see more of the playing field never hurt anyone. Also always assume your dps will do something stupid like attack the wrong enemy and be prepared. Catching an enemy on its way to your healer before it smashes him in the face is probably a good idea. If your healer is running or concerned for their life, chances are his heals are going to himself and not you. Also realizing when more enemies spawn or when a cc'ed one breaks is incredibly important. Also along this vein is the age old question of: are you standing in the fire? Sure a tank has a ton of hp and can withstand a beating but that doesn't mean you should stress your healer by taking unneeded damage.

5. Preparedness - this encompasses a lot of things that are important such as consumables, strategies and group composition. If possible always try to find out about a fight ahead of time to know what you will be getting into. There are sites scattered across the net that are specifically geared towards boss strategies and tactics. Knowing these ahead of time will allow you to determine if you have what it takes to defeat the encounter.

6. Leadership Qualities - are you a leader type? Most groups tend to look to the tank to run the group. It's our job to set the pace and to control the flow of the fights. You should be comfortable with marking targets (knowing the fight helps here) for kill order and crowd control.

Now, what sets apart the truly amazing tanks from the good tanks is all of the above plus a supreme knowledge of the game and their class. These are the people that you will consider class experts and theorycrafters. They will be the ones that are constantly reading up on any changes to their class or evaluating additions like new armor drops, mods, buffs, etc. Even if you aren't one of the math-heads out there, being able to understand the how and why of something goes a long way. I will go over a good portion of the mechanics of the game in my next post titled 'Theorycraft Lite - a look at SW:ToR tanking'.

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  1. Hengist's Avatar
    Good blog!

    I definitely think the situational awareness is the single most important characteristic for a tank, because I think that's usually the one thing that cannot be taught. Either you know what is happening all around you, or you dont. I've seen some undergeared tanks pull off some amazing feats because they were prepared, or had the right build and combined it with awareness. When you put it all together, groups have a lot more fun, and the team gets a lot more done.
  2. Naylan's Avatar
    I'll be looking forward to reading more here - I'm not tank speced right now, but I end up in that position in groups anyhow being a Guardian, so I'm thinking I might go that route. Besides, I actually DO like tanking. When I'm not doing Lost Vale for the 40th time, that is.

    Situation awareness = key. Always have to be looking around the entire field to see if you've lost aggro on anything. Despite not really being a tank or having any of the talents for it, I've managed to tank quite a few things simply by keeping the rest of the team alive long enough for them to keep me alive (and kill our opponents). Course at higher levels it won't matter so much unless my gear rocks out too, but for now >D
  3. Kiylie's Avatar
    The theorycraft post is in the works... might take a bit, I've got like 15 pages of math and theory to go through to translate into english >_<
  4. Derringer's Avatar
    I look forward to this blog! I've been tanking since pretty much the start of WoW until about March or so this year. I was a raid leader, a class lead and had many people (both guildies and pugs) pick my brain about tanking and my class. While I don't theorycraft with math, I do tend to know what works and what doesn't with my classes.

    One thing I'll mention about tanking, is that there's so much about it, that you can't list it all. Kiylie went over the basics well, but when you are actually tanking, things happen and you react to save that DPS/healer, or move the mob away from the group at the last moment.

    I really look forward to tanking ops for the guild, but I fell behind the levelling curve due to the holidays and I'm worried I'll miss out.

    Also, Ellybian in the guild can vouch for my tanking prowess, I don't want to come across as being arrogant or bragging about it :/
  5. Kiylie's Avatar
    LOL no worries. As far as raiding with us goes, just catch up - we will have more than a few raids going with the amount of members we have most likely.