• Welcome to AureusKnights.com

    Welcome to the Aureus Knights Community

    The Aureus Knights are a world wide community of online gamers. Although many of our members are MMO veterans from the early UO, EQ and MUD days, our members span all demographics and play styles. We strive for a fun, laid back and social gaming environment that anyone can feel welcome in and enjoy.

    Please make yourself at home and be sure to hello on the forums

  • Announcing The Aureus Gaming Casual Corner and First Event Saturday, 5/21 @ 9pm EDT

    I'm very pleased to announce one of our new community and casual game initiatives, the Aureus Gaming Casual Corner!

    You can find all the details at http://www.aureusknights.com/showthr...-Casual-Corner and the informative post there has been quoted below!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigcedric View Post
    What is the Casual Corner?
    It is our new set of planned events that will showcase our community as they enjoy playing various casual games!

    These planned events will be streamed on our AureusKnightsTV Twitch channel and then uploaded onto the Aureus Knights YouTube channel.

    The events will revolve around very relaxed gameplay, allowing the focus to be on the participants and the carefree fun and conversation they are having.

    What kind of events will happen in the Casual Corner?
    The scheduled events will be varied, but will always be in casual games that are easily accessible. These could be free to play games or games that are popular among the community.

    There will be a mix of small scale events, usually consisting of one group of players playing cooperatively against AI or other players outside of the community, and intracommunity events, being one group of community members against another group of community members. The intracommunity events would always be good natured and could be streamed from any perspective, including using multiple spectators to shoutcast the event.

    Who can participate in the Casual Corner?
    Everyone! The only requirement is that you're willing to have fun and enjoy some time with your fellow community members. You need to be okay with being seen/heard on the stream and videos as well.

    While a roster will be set for an event before it happens, that roster will put together separately for each event. If the idea for an event is to showcase playing a specific game, the organizer will pull together the list from folks that have expressed an interest in playing that game or they will put out an open call for folks to sign up to participate.

    The intracommunity events will be put together in the same fashion, or they pit two premade groups of friends against each other. Think one FFXIV flight playing against another FFXIV flight in a casual setting.

    When will these events take place?
    There is not going to be a set schedule for these events, but they will occur on a consistent basis.

    Since not everyone in the community is on the same schedule, the day and times may vary, depending on the type of event and who is involved.

    Initially, we will try to keep a rotation of one event each weekend, with the default day/time being Saturday @ 8pm EDT.

    You've got my interest! Now what?
    Make sure to keep an eye on this thread and the Guild News forum! The events will always be announced ahead of time there.

    The YouTube videos will always be mentioned here once they've gone up, for those folks that miss the stream.

    If you are interested in participating in any event or have a group that you'd like to put forth in an intracommunity event, send a PM to Bigcedric with any game you'd like to play or with your group's info.
    You'll start to see these event popping up each week, including our first event that will take place this Saturday, May 21st @ 8pm EDT! We'll be playing League of Legends will an already set roster.

    For most of the future events, we will either make a thread asking for participants, pull from groups that expressed an interest in an intracommunity event, or use specific folks that expressed an interest in a specific game.

    Our second event will most likely be Overwatch on Saturday, May 28th, but we'll post details on that later.

    If you got any feedback or questions, let it rip! The Casual Corner is meant to showcase our awesome community, so we want as many people to feel as part of it as possible!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Announcing The Aureus Gaming Casual Corner and First Event Saturday, 5/21 @ 8pm EDT started by Bigcedric View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. Bigcedric's Avatar
      Bigcedric -
      Quick update that we're pushing the start time for the first event to 9pm EDT, to better accommodate schedules.
    1. Bigcedric's Avatar
      Bigcedric -
      Thanks to everyone that came out and to those that watched. We had some hiccups and crashes, but it was still a lot of fun. You can watch the livestream replay over at Twitch, but we'll be breaking up the videos into some shorter segments for the YouTube page.

      Once we've got the videos loaded on YouTube, we'll post some links here!
    1. Bigcedric's Avatar
      Bigcedric -
      All games are available on YouTube now!

      I apologize for some of the volume disparities between my microphone and everyone else's. I'll work on correcting that for future events.

      Game 1:

      Game 2:

      Game 3:

      Game 4:

      Game 5:
    1. Bigcedric's Avatar
      Bigcedric -
      All the games from this event have been uploaded to YouTube and are embedded in the post above. Check em out!

      If you're interested in participating in the next event, which will be playing Overwatch on Saturday 5/28 @ 9pm EDT, make sure to post in that thread!
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