Good evening, Knights.
As we head into 2016, the Officer Team has been conducting a full review of our FFXIV chapter to ensure we are doing everything we can to set ourselves up for success in the new year. Part of this review has been taking a look at our officer levels in the chapter.
As a result of this review, we feel more officer coverage will be beneficial for the chapter and have decided to bring on the largest new officer round we’ve ever done with the goal of reinvigorating the chapter going into the new year.
Please join me in welcoming the following members to the role of Chapter Officer for Final Fantasy XIV:
Andaris - Andaris was in one of the very first recruit waves in FFXIV 2.0 and has proven to be a dedicated and passionate member of the community ever since. We are also looking forward to drawing on his guild officer experiences from before he joined AKS.
Artty - Artty was also in the first batch of recruits we brought on during FFXIV 2.0 and has been a solid and consistent contributor ever since, both in and out of Final Fantasy.
Ayuna - In the year Ayuna has been with AKS, he has been a constantly positive and helpful member of the guild. We will be calling on his extensive guild leadership experience from previous games.
Hyorin - The artist formerly known as Floren, Hyorin rose to prominence during the Great Clears of 2015. Floren was a leader within her previous free company and we very much look forward to capitalizing on her experience and enthusiasm for the guild.
Trufflepig - Trufflepig is a long time member of the guild who has previously served as an officer in Wildstar. His experience will be invaluable to the team as we take FFXIV to new heights in 2016
Xyphos - The giver of welcoming packages, Xyphos/Jon is the life of the party, a constant positive presence in everything the FC does.
Zygous - Zygous currently heads up a raid flight and brings an impressive guild leadership resume spanning several games. We are looking forward to using his experience to help make AKS a better place.
Also, as part of this review, our current officer team has considered their positions and due to shifts in priority, time spent in game, etc., the following officers have decided to step down from their officer positions:
Justy - This one hurts. I don’t have to say anything about Justy because you guys already all know just how amazing this guy is. What you might not know from a behind the scenes perspective is that he was active and contributing in every single discussion we had as a team. Justy is that rare officer who gives you his best each and every day, never taking a moment off. He made a true difference to this chapter and it wouldn’t be what it is without his contributions.
Shivo - Up until Shivo stopped playing, he was one of the most active and consistent members of the guild. He doesn’t suffer fools, but man he would do anything for anyone in this FC without any hesitation. Behind that exterior is a heart of gold. He hates Artex; I don’t know why I include that, other than it just wouldn’t seem like a fitting send off without it.
To our new officers, I want to thank you for agreeing to step up. To those departing the team, I want to thank you for being part of the most successful chapter this guild has ever had the privilege to play host to. Our success in this game is entirely thanks to the most dedicated and hardworking Chapter Officer team I’ve ever had the honor to work with.
This community is only as successful as what we put into it, and the people listed above are the special ones who really make this guild what it is. Please join me in thanking them all.
With these changes, your officer team in FFXIV currently looks like:
Community name (In Game Name)
Andaris (Andaris Pax)
Artex (Artex G'kahkol)
Artty (Artty Curren)
Ayuna (Ayuna Arulat)
Bigcedric (Cedric Legrand)
Floren (Hyorin Malaguld)
Gwen (Gwen Dolyn)
Haz (Haz Timbij)
Mysiana (Mysiana Greymane)
Okaria (Okari'a Sikanna)
Raiak (Raiak Nostrom) (Chapter Sponsor)
RJO (Taas Taru)
Trufflepig (Trufflepig Let)
Xyphos (Xyphos Tallwind)
Zro (Zro Mugen)
Zygous (Zygous Rek)
On behalf of the officer team,
Ryan / RJO
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