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    Welcome to the Aureus Knights Community

    The Aureus Knights are a world wide community of online gamers. Although many of our members are MMO veterans from the early UO, EQ and MUD days, our members span all demographics and play styles. We strive for a fun, laid back and social gaming environment that anyone can feel welcome in and enjoy.

    Please make yourself at home and be sure to hello on the forums

  • An update on our WildStar plans...

    Knights and recruits,

    As we get close to release I wanted to post a quick update about our plans for WildStar. Our goal with WS is to take the high bar we set in Final Fantasy XIV and push it to the next level. WildStar offers quite a few different modes of play and we are planning on tackling as many avenues of the game as possible.

    Weekly Events

    A great mix of events is what Aureus Knights is all about. Because of the small group centric nature of content in Final Fantasy XIV we never really got to have the types of events that made us famous in Warhammer Online and Rift. The good news is Wildstar should be a return to form as there are many play options for larger groups.

    You'll be seeing weekly events from our team. Some of the things you can look forward to: our social meetups (the return of the pants off dance off!), dungeon nights, battleground nights and more.

    We will be bringing on as many events focused officers as we can find. So if you have a passion for running events for your guildmates stay tuned - there'll be a place for you in this game.


    One of the most exciting parts of WildStar by far is the raiding content the game will be offering. For the guild it will be an exciting return to centrally run raids (vs our decentralized flight system in FFXIV). We will be announcing details in our WildStar Raid Sub-Charter very soon. But let me just say this: we will be running multiple teams of 20 and will have at least one 40 man flight for the guild. All of this run by AKS officers and up to AKS's high standards utilizing our Raid Charter.


    We have a deep guild history in PvP and the content options that WildStar has on offer are very exciting. We will be running battlegrounds as part of our weekly events series and will be taking Warplots very seriously. For those who haven't been with us long we were one of the top guilds in Warhammer Online and we take protecting our turf very seriously

    We haven't discussed arena teams at this point but when rubber hits the road at launch we'll likely be looking to put together a team or two for the competitive scene. If you have an interest, don't be afraid to reach out to me so we can start planning.

    What's next...

    So there's just a quick preview of what's to come. We have a few milestones planned for the build up to launch. They are in no particular order:
    We will have a new census poll every Monday until launch.
    We will be announcing a server choice the week following Open Beta (we will be selecting a PvE server for WildStar)
    We will be releasing our raid charter. Likely around the week of launch.

    So there you go. WildStar is an exciting prospect for the guild. I hope you are as excited as we are.

    See you on Nexus,
    Ryan / RJO
    This article was originally published in forum thread: An update on our WildStar plans... started by RJO View original post
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. E'hosmer's Avatar
      E'hosmer -
      All of this run by AKS officers and up to AKS's high standards utilizing our Raid Charter.
      I demand someone explain Artex!
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