I love PvP In the two and half years since The Old Republic has been announced there hasn’t been a topic that I’ve wanted information on more than PvP. My obsession began in Ultima Online, followed me into Dark Age of Camelot, again into Star Wars Galaxies, and then eventually into World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online. In fact, PvP is a benchmark for me, something that defines if I will be able to get into a game or not. My foray into Rift was cut short for a variety of reasons, ...
Updated 05-09-2011 at 10:43 PM by Hengist
The Old Republic did not start dropping good info until the very end of the week, as an embargo dropped allowing Fan Sites and press to start talking about their recent experience at Immersion Days. That’s a big reason I’m five days late in getting my thoughts together, as once again I’ve got a couple of things that I think are worth bringing up. -Dromund Kaas (Sith Captial) ...
Updated 05-03-2011 at 09:33 PM by Hengist
So this has been a pretty dry week, actually it’s the second straight fairly dry week with updates from our friends at Bioware about The Old Republic. I’d sat down early this week to churn out a hard hitting, and yet humorous piece about companions and the role they play in The Old Republic. (Any Star Wars piece I can work in an Elvis reference to Lonesome Tonight is by definition humorous.) At the last minute I put the brakes on and decided to go in a different direction. After all, the roles ...
Updated 04-22-2011 at 10:49 PM by Hengist
Sith are evil, that’s just the way we roll, and that’s one of the big reasons that the Sith Empire is a far more interesting “playground” than that of the Galactic Republic. This isn’t just the radical statement to draw people in (although it is to a degree) I genuinely believe that the Sith “Evil Empire” makes for a far more rewarding, and interesting style of play. Talk about a tough sell around here! Many RPG’s subscribe to the “White Knight” formula, where ...
Updated 04-16-2011 at 12:42 AM by Hengist
Since I put up my first blog in the SWTOR series, the question that has really cropped up, is: “So how close to World of Warcraft is The Old Republic anyhow?” It is inevitable that The Old Republic is going to be compared to World of Warcraft. WoW is simply the benchmark game in the genre that most people have played, and just about everyone knows at least something about. Detractors are going to look at a game like The Old Republic, and call it “WoW in space.” And one of ...
Updated 04-07-2011 at 09:02 PM by Hengist