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  1. Path of Diablo 2- err I mean Exile

    Unlike the Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend, I don't have the urge to really log in and go play Path of Exile. The beta is still going on as of this post for another day, but I feel like I've seen everything the game has to offer already so I might as well detail my thoughts on it.

    For those who haven't heard of this game, and I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't, here's a link to the Path of Exile website: - I've only heard of this game through ForceSC2 on ...
  2. "Guild Wars 2 is THE BEST GAME EVER!"

    These are my thoughts after playing the Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Event 3. While I don't feel this is a false statement to make, I won't just go throwing it around without backing it up. If you remember one of my previous blog posts:

    I made a lot of points about the game, that were my expectations based on what I've heard from ANet and other players. I'm going to give you the breakdown ...
  3. If you hate Diablo 3, you probably hate Guild Wars 2*

    *(Not necessarily, but just go with it)

    I've seen a massive stream of hate on Diablo 3 in the past few weeks, and it only seems to get worse as time goes on. The main concern (and almost the only one since so many people go on about this) is the loot. I will agree with some of the complaints surrounding it, and for the most part the loot system does suck.

    The main issue, at least for me, is that it doesn't encourage any real customization. The best attributes to look ...
  4. Guild Wars 2 - A game that promotes PLAYING

    I haven't played Guild Wars 2 yet, but I really want to. I gotta say though, from what I've seen and heard from both the developers and other players the game seems very solid. Personally, nothing that I've seen so far I disliked and I didn't have too many concerns about how a certain game mechanic would work or anything, and any fears I had were quickly dismissed once I read how it would work. But I'm not going to talk about something I've never played, at least not in those aspects, I will talk ...

    Updated 07-13-2012 at 03:24 PM by Hugbees

  5. MOBAs suck.

    WARNING: A large, opinionated rant coming through. Also, most of what I say applies to HoN and DoTA(2) more so than LoL.

    I don't know what baffles me more, that DoTA, a piece of shit game became popular, or that every MOBA game that comes out follows the same terrible design principles without ever once questioning the formula (League of Legends tries, and while it's the best of the MOBAs in my opinion, it's not really saying much. That's like saying my poop today doesn't smell ...