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  1. The Definitive Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Review Classes (Part 5)

    Sith Inquisitor:

    My personal experience is that the Sith Inquisitor offered a fairly enjoyable story in Act One. However feedback on the forums indicates that the highlights of the story are all in Act One, as Acts Two and Three fall short. As the Inquisitor was a class on my agenda to play, I cut it semi-short, and this is a class that ...

    Updated 12-05-2011 at 01:44 AM by Hengist

  2. The Definitive Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta Review of Classes (Part 4)

    Ever hear Lemmy croon “I Aint No Nice Guy”? Well, for a little bit I thought I wasn’t a very nice guy withholding the last part of my promised Beta Review for The Old Republic but then I realized that nobody was actually reading these, and I stopped feeling bad, and just got it done. Hope you enjoy the final fruits of my Old Republic pre-launch blogs.

    I know we have more misguided (read: not quite bright) people who are interested in playing as Republic around Aureus Knights, ...

    Updated 12-03-2011 at 08:56 PM by Hengist
