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  1. 2011 Predictions Follow Up

    *** Originally posted on my gaming blog: Adventures of Taas

    It’s that time of year again – time to recap my 2011 predictions!

    World of Warcraft: A mind shift that the game’s best days are behind it.

    I imagine my man Evan would disagree with me but I feel this has happened. There are a few reasons:

    First is SWTOR. It’s hard to judge this factor because SWTOR is so fresh and shiny at the moment and we’ve seen countless games ...
  2. What makes a good tank?

    I've encountered this question a lot, and what seems like an easy answer is actually a complicated series of concepts. I will list everything, in no particular order, that I believe makes a good tank. To some this may be common knowledge, but to an aspiring first-time tank it might be enlightening.

    1. Gear - a good tank always needs to stay on top of their gear. Unlike dps (or to a lesser extent healers), a tank can't just slide by with mediocre gear. Our entire usefulness is ...