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  1. You need to think of SWTOR as an investment...

    *** Cross posted from my MMO blog AdventuresOfTaas ****

    People, myself included, are starting to burn out on SWTOR (there’s the predictable ZOMG 3 MONTH TOURIST declaration over on Keen’s blog). I personally find myself playing a lot less and I know that overall my guild Aureus Knights has seen its activity level drop quite a bit (from ~30 active week day evenings to ~10-15). People are showing up for Raids no problem but other activities such as PvP, alt leveling and Flashpoints ...
  2. Theorycrafting Lite - a look at SW:ToR tanking (Part 2)

    What We Know About Threat
    1) All damage has a threat rating of 1.
    2) All healing has a threat rating of 0.5.
    3) All abilities listed as "does additional threat" have a threat increase of 0.5.
    4) Tank stances increase all threat ratings by 0.5.
    5) In order for aggro to change targets from melee range, the aggressors threat pool has to be trumped by a rating of 1.1.
    6) In order for aggro to change targets from range, the aggressors threat pool has ...

    Updated 01-04-2012 at 01:13 PM by Kiylie

  3. Theorycrafting Lite - a look at SW:ToR tanking (Part 1)

    I know I said this post would be up sooner than now, but the holidays and the push to 50 have gotten in my way. In no way will I take credit for the majority of the information contained within this post as I am no mathematician - most of this information was found over at All of the information pertained herein came from a primer by Gankstah that I will attempt to put into "plain english", but some of it was copied directly to save time (why reword something that's ...

    Updated 01-03-2012 at 09:42 AM by Kiylie

  4. 2012 Predictions...

    *** Cross posted from my blog

    My favourite post of the year. The Christmas/Holiday season crazies (and a lot of SWTOR playing) have delayed this post a bit – so let’s get right to it, what I think we’ll see in 2012:

    World of Warcraft has a disappointing year that sets the mark for the way forward, Blizzard doesn’t care when they redeem themselves in that fall by announcing Titan in the fall and making a boat load of cash off Diablo 3′s ...
  5. Two Lightsabers are better than one - Jedi Sentinel Basics

    I am by no means an expert on those that saw an extra lightsaber lying around, saw their free hand, and thought to themselves, "Why not?" This is the first post that will contain what I've discovered in dabbling up to level 35 in Sentinel. Do not take this guide as an informed opinion. I have not gotten there yet. It's just my experiences and thought patterns on my build so far. I'm doing this now because I was asked and I like the sound of my own voice, er words. Whatever.
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