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SW:ToR Tanking and the Assassin

Tanking Roulette - trial and speculation

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So, I was having problems last night on the double manticore fight in expert King's Breach due to the fact that I have no dots or ranged attacks to keep the caster (Mondrach) from killing my healers. I even tried a macro that targeted him, taunted, then targeted back to Autoch.... to no avail. Needless to say, I spoke with Xerathe (one of our seasoned warrior tanks) and he suggested a new spec to me (albeit I will tweak it a little bit for this discussion):


Okay, I'll try to break it down on why I took what I did and how it might be useful to you. This spec, ironically, is amazing for both physical AND magical mitigation. I never quite realized its potential until it was pointed out to me last night, but just from some simple tests I can assure you that this spec is pretty beast as far as mitigation goes.

I've gone over most of these talents before in my Warlord tank thread, but for those that haven't read it, I'll do a quick recap:
Stalwart Shield: Block +10% **
Defender: Armor +10% **
Aggressive Guardian: Threat +20%
Hardened Will: 9% less spell damage taken **
Martial Shield: chance on block to gain AP
Unyielding Defense: -20% damage taken when blocked **
Reverent Protection: group Absorb Shield finisher, 3min CD
Shield of the Chosen: +5% block and +armor **

Yes, I left out quite a few talents from my "basic" tank spec, but here's why: with the proposed changes for 1.1, we lose a lot of healing back from Balance of Power and Tip the Balance. While you can argue that any healing is less that the healer has to do, I can also argue that the healing from that and Karmic Resolution are so minute as to not save you in a dungeon or raid setting. If you are making a tank spec to solo content then this might not be the spec for you.

Void Knight
- Note that you gain a new resource with this spec called pacts. They are EXTREMELY important and you should strive to keep them maxxed at all times (we will get into that in a moment)
Insatiable Hunger + Blood from a Stone: ensures that no matter what you are hitting you have a chance to gain a pact
Rift Tap: Essentially a spell reflect, lasts 30 seconds on an 8 second CD
Ravenous Strength: +5% strength per pact **
Ravenous Defense: +5% armor per pact **
Spell Sunder: offensive purge
Spellbreaker: defensive cleanse
Quality Care: 30% chance when healed to gain a pact
Devourer: Increases the damage reduction of our Void buff by an additional 15% **

Powerful Countenance: +10% armor **
Defensive Experience: +5% block **

Okay, so now you are probably giving me the wonky eye and asking me how the hell does this spec mitigate what I say it does. I'd like to draw your attention back to the above synopsis, specifically to the talents that have the double asterisk (**) next to them. Before factoring in pacts, the spec gains +20% armor, +20% block, and +29% magic mitigation (note that I am unsure if these are additive or multiplicative, so let's just use these numbers roughly).

Now, here comes the bread and butter of the spec. We can gain up to 10 pacts at any given time. Take a look at ravenous strength and defense! That's +50% to both armor and strength when we are at full pacts. Let me remind you that strength gives us block, parry and attack power. This is where you say: holy shit! That was about my reaction last night. By using Warlord's Empowering Strike (increases my armor by 505) and gaining 10 pacts I was able to get my armor above 12k and my block was upwards of 55% when I had Aggressive Block up. Also note, that these gains are percentile based so they will scale with gear - the better the gear, the better these talents become.

Factor all of that in with the added perks that were chosen from each spec and you get a really well-rounded tanking spec. You get a group bubble, offensive purge, defensive cleanse, and a spell reflect all just from talents.

I haven't had a chance to actually apply this build since it was midnight last night when Xerathe and I talked about it, but I plan on doing some monkeying around with it this week. If anyone has any suggestions or comments regarding the build please post them!

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  1. ehrie's Avatar
    I'm going to monkey around with my healing spec too. While all the hots of Warden are really nice, there aren't enough instant or AOE healing abilities to account for some of the surprise buttsecks in these Expert boss fights and I want to imagine it's only going to get worse.
  2. Kiylie's Avatar
    Yeah I have a good buddy of mine who plays a resto druid in WoW who rolled a cleric in Rift. He, for obvious reasons, went the warden route as well. Needless to say, the one and only IT run I have done with him ended in complete failure early in the dungeon. I know there's gonna be a crowd that wants to play it how they want, but it should be stated that, unfortunately, experts and above won't be the place for that. That doesn't mean you can't be a warden in experts... it just means you won't be the main healer.

    I think both your healing spec and my tank spec were not optimal for that fight. With Kaine there, however, we should have been fine on the healing front. It was my inability as a warlord to hold ranged threat on the caster that did us in. Even something as simple as having some reaver in my spec for the +threat dot would have gone a long way to fixing that problem. Maybe we could brainstorm and both come up with some fixes and then try it again.
  3. Kiylie's Avatar
    So I got to try it out this morning in a quick, last minute IT run and it seems to work pretty well. The resource monitor for pacts is buggy, though, and doesn't always show the correct number of pacts.
  4. Kiylie's Avatar
    Okay, so I was wrong about the pacts (and now Trion added a little timer there so you can see how long you have left). I was under the impression that having 10 pacts automatically gave me the 50% increase to str and armor for the duration of the pact. This is, in fact, wrong. It is the act of GAINING a new pact that gives you the stacking buff - and it only lasts 5 seconds. This makes maintaining the high mitigation, while not impossible, certainly difficult. You also don't need to worry about blowing your pacts by using discharge. This leads me to want to drop the points I spent in increasing pact duration as they have no impact on tanking.
  5. Kiylie's Avatar
    Edited Spec

    Only 2 minor point differences. 1 into Rift Summon for another "get over here" type ability to pull ranged mobs in, and 1 into Power Leech for additional pacts gained via a few abilities (albeit only usable on casters). To get the last point out of Energy Retention, your only option is Surge, so decide where the point is best spent.
  6. Kiylie's Avatar
    I used this spec with some good success on the dual manticore fight. As Xerathe posted in his dungeon writeup, the first 20 seconds definitely determine the outcome of that fight. What I did was put Mondrach as my /focus and then made a macro to cast some of my abilities at my focus target. This made it so that I never had to untarget Autoch and yet still threw stuff at the other guy. Ended up being very effective.