Blog Comments

  1. Bigcedric's Avatar
    I apologize, I should have explained the "get on my level" reference. My blog post was just meant as a tongue-in-cheek reminder for everyone to enjoy the game in their own way. The min/max community is great, and I would never fault someone for getting the most out of their character. I just want everyone to focus on having fun.
  2. RJO's Avatar
    You can see Ryath whine about it and get flamed here: (it is entertaining).

    Look guys - this shit needs to stop I'll have a post up in a bit.
  3. Kiylie's Avatar
    Interesting, got a link to it?
  4. Ryath's Avatar
    Actually, the "Get on my level" is from a Livecast of League of Legends. A Developer, Phreak, was commentating on the match and, like the 12-year-old he is, started trash-talking the participants. Instead of telling one team they were doing good, he called out their best player and basically said he was trash and to, "Get on (his) level."
  5. Kiylie's Avatar
    Look, if I am taking this the wrong way then by all means correct me... but this looks like a flame at those of us that enjoy the min/maxing. I realize that not all of AKS are about min/maxing and that is fine. No one is forcing you to read our blog posts. These blog posts are merely there for the benefit of those that DO care. This type of counterpost is just disrespectful.
  6. Ryath's Avatar
    Move along folks, nothing to see here.
    Updated 03-23-2011 at 12:27 PM by Ryath